The Knowledge of God

Scripture Read: 1 Samuel 13:1-17:58

Focus Passage: 1 Samuel 17:41-48

Background: Much time has past since the Israelites last put their trust in the Lord to go before them and deliver their enemies into their hands.  When the Philistines have gathered their armies for battle at Socoh, the giant Goliath now stands and taunts the men of Israel with no regard for them as the armies of the living God.  With no one brave enough to meet the giant for battle, the shepherd boy David unwaveringly takes the challenge.  Since the King’s armor doesn’t fit him, the boy decides that all he needs is a sling and his knowledge of the Lord God.

Journal Entry:

            David’s response to Goliath floors me.  His bravery and courage in the face of an imposing and overwhelming force is remarkable and is an incredible testament to the depth of faith that he had in the Lord God.  I consider the fear I’ve seen portrayed in the hearts of other godly men throughout Scripture.  Even Samuel, the best portrayal of faithfulness to the Lord thus far in the book of 1 Samuel feared for his life when God sent him to anoint one of the sons of Jesse as the new king over Saul (16:2).  I consider Moses at the beginning of Exodus, while soon to become God’s representative before Pharaoh and lead the nation out of Egypt, he was deeply reluctant to respond to God’s call for his life (Exod. 4:1, 10, 13).  David, on the other hand, remembers well what God has done in his life (1 Sam. 17:37).  He remembers so well that the knowledge of who God is dwells deeply within David’s core.  There is no room for fears to develop or doubts to form about who the Lord is and whether David can trust Him to defeat Goliath.  David stands firmly in the knowledge of God and sets out to portray a faith so that “all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel”.  What the people of Israel have failed to do, a single boy does because he knows who his God is.

            The parallels to our daily lives in this section of Scripture are innumerable.  What would my life look like if everything that God has revealed about Himself to me through creation, Scripture and my past experience with Him filled the core of my heart?  Would there be any room left for fear?  What would my life look like if I saw every lie of Satan for what it was and realized that I had not a single thing to worry about when making God’s words the edict and direction for everything I did?  Would I strike up a conversation with people in my community and share the gospel with them?  Would there be any place too dangerous to consider a ministry in response to Matthew 28:19-20?  Would it change the means I use to make money and provide for myself?  When Goliath shows up (and if he hasn’t yet for you, he will), would my knowledge of the reality of God’s sovereignty cause me to respond like David?  I think that if I knew God like David did, the Lord’s sovereignty would BE reality and it wouldn’t matter if Goliath was 2 feet tall or 10.

About Tony_G

Graduate student at Dallas Theological Seminary. Native of Buffalo, NY. Has spent time living in NY, AL, DC, MS, WY, PA and now TX.
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