The Lord is Still Providing

After sharing yesterday’s journal entry, I thought it smart to give an update on life here in Dallas and display the ways that the Lord is still providing and expressing His faithfulness in my life.  The most amazing thing that has happened recently has been incredible way that the Lord provided me with employment for the fall.  As some of you know, I was working as swim team coach for a junior community swim team here in Dallas.  That lasted through the summer and was a great supplement to the support I received while attending classes from May through August.  At the beginning of July, I began feeling a little pressure in my life as I knew that my job as a coach would soon be over and I’d once again have to start sniffing around for job opportunities.  I had a few parents from the swim team say they’d try finding me a part-time job for the fall and I was checking the DTS job board regularly, but nothing was really coming up.

Out of nowhere, I receive a voicemail on my cell phone one day while I’m exercising at the gym.  A tutoring agency that I applied with a YEAR prior called me out of the blue.  The owner said he remembered me from last year and might have a job opportunity for me if I was still interested.  Two days later, we had coffee at Starbucks and he offered me the opportunity to tutor college students in economics for $20/hour.  Now, I haven’t studied nor tutored economics in over six years, so he offered to pay a former tutor of his to travel back to Dallas and spend a Saturday bringing me up to speed.  I gave my first tutoring session last weekend and it went great.

Talk about an incredible provision.  This job allows me to make my own hours and the great demand for tutoring at SMU will ensure I receive as many hours as I ever really want to take on.  If it is the Lord’s will, over the next two years, this job will allow me to pay down much of my student loan debt and put me in a position that allows me the financial freedom necessary to pursue missions work or a pastoral position regardless of the income it offers.

I really needed to see this faithfulness from the Lord.  The past few months have been tough and I was beginning to think that Satan was sifting me like wheat.  I had nothing to write to you because I felt like the last person that should be sharing his opinion or advice on just about anything.  Perhaps I’ll share more about that later on, but for now I just want to rejoice over the Lord’s provision.  Please praise the Lord and glorify His name.  I’ve appreciated your prayers.

About Tony_G

Graduate student at Dallas Theological Seminary. Native of Buffalo, NY. Has spent time living in NY, AL, DC, MS, WY, PA and now TX.
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1 Response to The Lord is Still Providing

  1. wrthofnino says:

    That. is. AWESOME! 😀

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